At the initial session you will need to decide if this Counsellor is right for you. Apart from any nerves of the first session it is important that you feel comfortable with the counsellor in order to reveal your story. The counsellor also needs to assess if they have right skill set for your needs.


Counselling sessions last approximately 40 - 50 minutes and are held weekly or fortnightly. You can negotiate which suits you best.

In some cases people find one session of counselling really helpful however this is the exception with most people needing at least 2 or 3 sessions and more long term matters 10 to 20 sessions.

Effectiveness of counselling can depend on trust and comfort level, and these take time to build.
Length of time in counselling is also affected by how open clients are able to be with themselves and with the counsellor and the depth and nature of their issues.

People who get the most from counselling process the session between times and come back with thoughts and wondering to review with the counsellor.


  • Individual non funded counselling is $110 plus GST per session

Your session cost will be invoiced at completion of each session and payable via online banking.

Other funding options are Workplace EAP programme (see EAP section) WINZ Funding or ACC sensitive Claims. Feel free to ring and discuss costs and any of these funding options.

EAP or Employee Assistance Programme

EAP or Employee Assistance Programme is where a workplace funds some short term counselling to explore current problems such as relationship issues, conflicts at work, communication, grief and loss, workplace change, conflict or management issues for example. Typically an EAP scheme provides up to three sessions (sometimes more). This can be helpful to feel supported and review your problems, raise awareness and explore new approaches to the problem. If the problems are deep seated involving abuse, trauma or a chronic condition; long term therapy will usually be more beneficial. During your EAP counselling if something more long term is required your Counsellor will suggest an appropriate option within your price range or continue on a self funding basis with your current counsellor.

WINZ Subsidy

If you meet the relevant criteria you will need to have the forms filled out and signed by your GP/Doctor and then the counsellor.  You will need the approval in place before the first session (feel free to ring and discuss this).


If you do not cancel your appointment within 24 hours or do not attend your appointment the session will still be charged at the full rate (or half rate in certain circumstances).


I am passionate about my work and proud of the qualifications I have achieved.  In addition to this and the annual training that is important for this role, I have seen the value of counselling first hand. This is in my own journey as a child to parents now deceased, a marriage partner, as Mum to two children (now in their twenties) and as a friend and a colleague in the workplace. This is the professional and personal base from which I offer counselling.


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